Monday, November 8, 2010

Ultimate Vegan Wrap

Last week I had the opportunity to cook for and with, a group of ladies who are also fitness clients of mine. I decided to introduce them to one of my favorite lunch time meals; a vegan wrap. Making the wrap is simple and quick. Preparation time and cooking is less then 30 minutes.
In a pan with a little olive oil, add onions, red / green peppers and cabbage. Saute at med/high heat to your liking. I like my vegetables al dente sometimes; other times more caramelized. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

In another pan with a little olive oil, saute slices of yams (pre-boiled and skinned) until edges form a crispy crust.

On a lavish whole wheat wrap, first spread a layer of hummus followed by black beans. On top of that add liberally the onions, peppers and cabbage. Add salsa or hot sauce if you would like. Then carefully roll and cut in half.

Add cherry tomatoes as a side and BAM!! The "Ultimate Vegan Wrap" will simulate your taste buds. This is a healthy low fat meal that packs highly nutritional punch.
Remember "Eating healthy is easy". Your body will love you for it!
Dr. M

1 comment:

Michelle Barton said...

You rock Marc and Tanya!!! Looks yummy!!! The healthier we eat, the faster we run.....

xo, Michelle