With 267 runners to brave the 26.2 miles run at the average elevation of 6800 ft. the race had almost an ultra-marathon feel; plus so many of our ultra friends where there.
We would run about 12 miles of lake shore line
I'm not sure if it was the thin air, but at mile 5 my right quad began to burn, and then at mile ten my left quad began to burn. No matter how much I wanted to shift into 2nd gear I just couldn't, so I just took what my body gave me and enjoyed the scenery.
Views from the East end of the lake
The half-marathoners where shuttled to the 13 mile point of the marathon and started a half hour after the marathon. Here is #647 Rebbecca M. and friend Nola en route to finishing their first 1/2 marathon. The hills throughout the course where many especially the second 13 miles, but the ladies kept stepping and finished. You GO GIRLS!!
Another one down, the temperatures began to heat up for the last few miles. Tanya's finishing time was 4:23:52 and my finishing time was 4:36:52. Chalk up another win for the girls, not that I'm counting (Ha). Tanya and I agree the race was well organized even with a late start, the aid stations where every 2 miles; well supplied and full of helpful volunteers. Ahhh!
Another nice finish for you two. And great pictures.
Good going super couple. I love the view. I look forward to the day I can see long sleeves again, the picture of Tanya at the beginning made me think it was cool out. I love the ending, relaxing.
Thanks for sharing
Nice race report and thank you for sharing the pictures. That place really looks fun.
Hi Marc and Tanya I came across you blog while looking for other african american ultra endrance racers. O by the way my name is Clifton Lyles (Cliff). I'm putting together a team of african american ultra endurance racers for a race in 2010. Look me up on Google, if this seems like something you would be intrested in you can contact me at. Chefcliff@msn.com
Thanks, and good look racing
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